Our clients
Trusted by the most advanced companies on the planet. More than 1000 enterprises have already built innovative customer relationships on their own preferred channel with efficient omnichannel messaging campaigns.
Bees Airlines
Bees Airlines

Channels: SMS

Improved customer service quality by 30% by optimization of passenger notifications via SMS

Bees Airline strives to improve their customer service quality by providing the passengers around the world with accurate flight information. 
iOmni team provided integration of SMS notification service as the official communication channel, with the branded sender id for the text messaging globally.
SMS messaging is the fastest and most reliable way to provide information about a flight to a passenger anywhere in the world. In order to automate the process, iOmni.chat platform provided SMS API for individual targeted messaging, as well as full delivery reports to control SMS delivery rate among passengers.


Channels: SMS, Viber, WhatsApp, Chat Inbox

Increased conversion by providing customer engagement through chat Apps.

With such a vast variety of chat apps, InPrime decided to find out which of them are the most popular among customers. To start with, the marketing company decided to connect WhatsApp, Viber and SMS using iOmni.chat APIs. This step renders it possible to send promotional messaging to customers in their favorite chat app, as well as have real-time two-way communication with customers. Also they added Viber + SMS API – the ability to send follow-up SMS messages to those who did not receive the messages in Viber.
Since InPrime added chat applications to its communications suite with the help of iOmni.chat APIs, agents now can receive and resolve requests faster than ever before in iOmni online platform. They can also train clients who are not familiar with InPrime marketing features, and their clients are confident knowing that the agent is readily available whenever they decide to try out new features.


Channels: SMS, Viber, Chat Inbox

Increased sales, automated confirmations via SMS messages for goods shipments and integrated users’ verification via one time SMS passwords


Mantinga Ukraine decided to choose iOmni.chat messaging services to communicate effectively with their customers and integrated such channels as: SMS and Viber for Business.
With SMS and Verify API, the registration of new users on the website is now automated and protected by verification, which increases customer confidence. In addition, SMS notifications to track the ordered products provide customers with a direct connection with delivery driver and ensure the safety of delivery.
Also, Mantinga Ukraine managed to provide personalized information in their customers favorite chat App. With Viber business messaging service Mantinga got possibility to send informative, beautiful multimedia content from the Company's official verified Brand account, such interaction had a positive effect, increased brand recognition and customers engagement.

Omnichannel at the core
Omnichannel Communication Platform allows to send Business Messages Globally. All communication channels in one place: SMS, Viber Business, WhatsApp Business, RCS, Verifications, HLR and Chat Inbox for two-way messaging, available via web-interface and programmable with APIs. Easily interact with your customers from your official Brand name using popular communication channels and reach every mobile phone on the planet with a single click.
Start now
Chat Inbox
Make two-way communication with your customers convenient and easy like a talking to a friend. Become closer to your customers, receive feedbacks and understand their needs, provide great service and create excellent experience, that your customers will love.
Free trial
Register now for free and get credits to test messaging
Improve customer communication, sales and service quality using SMS messaging, Viber, WhatsApp for business and many more. Create your conversational ecosystem with multiple channel options.
Try now
Manage all your messaging channels with one API
One conversation, one customer profile, all the channels you need - streamline customer interactions through one API! Our Conversation API can integrate with all your existing apps – whether it’s for marketing automation, customer care, or a chatbot platform. Send outbound alerts, receive inbound requests, and unify contact history into one chat.
Get started today with our easy integration API

An engineers staying behind of our products, so the - iOmni.chat does not stop only on providing docs. You can be sure that we will be with you on each step of integration.

  • Fast and easy integration
  • Simple and intuitive API
  • Innovative messaging solutions
Start now

var myHeaders = new Headers();

myHeaders.append("Authorization""Basic api_key");

var raw = JSON.stringify({

     "phone": 380632132121,

     "sender": "InfoItd",

     "text": "This is messages DecisionTelecom",

     "validity_period": 300

var requestOptions = {

    method: 'POST',

     headers: myHeaders,

     body: raw,

     redirect: 'follow'

fetch("web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms", requestOptions)

     .then(response => response.text())

     .then(result => console.log(result))

     .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

import http.client

import json
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("web.it-decision.com")

payload = json.dumps({

     "phone": 380632132121,

     "sender": "InfoItd",

     "text": "This is messages DecisionTelecom",

     "validity_period": 300


headers = {

     'Authorization': 'Basic api_key',

     'Content-Type': 'application/json'


conn.request("POST", "/v1/api/send-sms", payload, headers)

res = conn.getresponse()

data = res.read()


var client = new RestClient("web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms");

client.Timeout = -1;

var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic api_key");

request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

var body = @"{""phone"":380632132121, ""sender"":""InfoItd"", ""text"":""This is messages DecisionTelecom"", ""validity_period"":300}";

request.AddParameter("application/json", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);

IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()


MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");

RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{"phone":380632132121,"sender":"InfoItd","text":"This is messages DecisionTelecom","validity_period":300}");

Request request = new Request.Builder()


     .method("POST", body)

     .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic api_key")

     .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")


Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(

     CURLOPT_URL => 'web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms',








     CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>'{"phone":380632132121,"sender":"InfoItd","text":"This is messages DecisionTelecom","validity_period":300}',


           'Authorization: Basic api_key',

           'Content-Type: application/json',


$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;

var axios = require('axios');

var data = JSON.stringify({

     "phone": 380632132121,

     "sender": "InfoItd",

     "text": "This is messages DecisionTelecom",

     "validity_period": 300

var config = {

     method: 'post',

     url: 'web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms',

     headers: { 

       'Authorization': 'Basic api_key'

       'Content-Type': 'application/json'  


     data : data



   .then(function (response) {



   .catch(function (error) {



require "uri"

require "json"

require "net/http"
url = URI("web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms")
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port);

request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)

request["Authorization"] = "Basic api_key"

request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"

request.body = JSON.dump({

     "phone": 380632132121,

     "sender": "InfoItd",

     "text": "This is messages DecisionTelecom",

     "validity_period": 300


response = http.request(request)

puts response.read_body

package main
import (





func main() {

     url := "web.it-decision.com/v1/api/send-sms"

     method := "POST"

     payload := strings.NewReader(`{"phone":380632132121,"sender":"InfoItd","text":"This is messages DecisionTelecom","validity_period":300}`)

     client := &http.Client {


     req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)

     if err != nil {




     req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic api_key")

     req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

     res, err := client.Do(req)

     if err != nil {




     defer res.Body.Close()

     body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

     if err != nil {






White-label CPaaS platform
Easily start your own Global Omnichannel Messaging Company with our white-label CPaaS platform. Use your Brand name, logo, domain name, and increase your revenues by providing to your customers excellence in messaging services, while we’ll take care of the backend and IT support.
Turn-key CPaaS platform
Turn-key CPaaS platform
Seamlessly launch your own innovative Omnichannel Communication Platform that allows to send Business Messages Globally.
Highest quality
Highest quality
We built carrier-grade messaging platform and network infrastructure with highest quality industry standards for MNOs and Companies like you.
New revenue ways
New revenue ways
Power-up your enterprise product with a new revenue ways. iOmni turn-key CPaaS will allow you to go on the market faster and reduce on IT development costs.
24/7 IT Support
24/7 IT Support
You will get latest industry solutions, consultations from professional carrier relations experts and 24/7 IT support.
Video reviews
Clients about us
Andriy Kamchatkin
Andriy Kamchatkin
“iOmni.chat team made our integration fast and easy. Adding WhatsApp, Viber and SMS as customer communication channels with iOmni.chat API helped us to significantly increase the conversion. In addition, our customers are more satisfied as we are able to manage multiple conversations across our customers' preferred channels.”
Marketing Director GELIAR GYM
“Using Viber for Business and Chat Inbox from iOmni.chat, we have been able to connect with customers online and offer them more shopping options with direct links and exclusive offers. As a result, this year we have increased the number of our customers and increased monthly subscription sales by 185%.”
Customer Success Manager at Bees Airlines
Customer Success Manager at Bees Airlines
“iOmni.chat team provided integration of SMS notification service as the official communication channel of Bees Airlines, with the branded sender id for the text messaging globally. Customer service quality has been improved by 30% by optimization of passenger notifications via SMS.”
Volodymyr Bezditnyi
Volodymyr Bezditnyi
partner at 4B Ukraine
“ iOmni.chat helped us digitize our customer communication. Using the web interface we managed to provide a seamless customer service through Viber for Business resulting in an 87% reduction of average waiting time and increased customer satisfaction.”
Roman Peresunko
Roman Peresunko
Head of MediaHub advertising agency
“iOmni.chat platform helped us at MediaHub significantly improve our customer communication. Before iOmni.chat, customers used to be served manually, but now these processes are more automated, economically efficient, and user-friendly. Now our customers have a seamless customer journey, and at the same time we have cut our costs by about 40%.”
Oleh Rudenko
Oleh Rudenko
co-founder of “Balzam Bolotova”
“We needed a reliable SMS service provider to help us improve our delivery quality and maintain a high level of quality. iOmni.chat SMS solutions have helped us significantly improve our message delivery rates by 30%. iOmni.chat competitive rates have also helped us cut our costs by 15%, and their user-friendly web interface helps us do everything we need online from anywhere in the world.”
Show all

iOmni.chat Omnichannel Platform

Omnichannel platform is an excellent solution for business that seeks to unite various channels of communication with its customers into one convenient and efficient network. Omnichannel is an indispensable element of modern customer service, without it it is already difficult to imagine the work of contact centers and processing of customer requests. Omni.chat knows how to improve dialog with customers, increase sales and service quality.

iOmni.chat omnichannel platform capabilities

Omni.chat omnichannel platform is based on modern technological solutions for data collection and processing. The service automatically analyzes incoming information from various channels and collects it in a single cabinet.

You can create mailings both directly on our website and with the help of API. SMS API is a convenient tool for sending messages via sms or messengers, which integrates into any web resource, application or CRM system.

Omnichannel platform for messaging with customers is convenient because the audience contacts the company through the channel that is most demanded for them at a particular moment in time.

Through which channels the audience can contact the company thanks to the omnichannel platform:

  • SMS messaging - global SMS messaging allows you to communicate with your audience around the world. SMS distribution for business helps to build communication even with those subscribers who are roaming or do not use messengers. At the same time, sending SMS via API allows you to fully automate the process;
  • Viber for business - mass online distribution of business messages in Viber allows a company to quickly send SMS to its audience from the official account of the brand in the service. There is also the possibility of dialog with the operator (the subscriber can reply to SMS), the ability to use images, links and buttons. When integrating Viber API for messaging, the brand has additional opportunities to communicate with the audience;
  • WhatsApp for business - WhatsApp API messaging technology gives the ability to stay in touch with customers 24/7, send multimedia content and maintain a chat function with users. WhatsApp business messaging makes it even easier to build communication - confirm a purchase, talk about promotions and provide responsive support;
  • RCS - Rich Communication Services technology unlocks all the benefits of messenger messaging with the accessibility of traditional SMS for Android smartphones;
  • HLR sending - with HLR Lookup API the company has the opportunity to learn information about the subscriber by his phone number to find a personalized approach to everyone. The technology enhances the quality of the customer base and makes it possible to send messages only to functioning phone numbers;
  • Chat capability for two-way messaging.

Multichannel messaging has another advantage - all SMS to the audience are sent directly on behalf of the brand, increasing loyalty and trust.

In addition to the above features, Omni.chat offers a CPaaS White-Label communication platform for its clients. The omnichannel White-Label platform allows you to create multi-channel SMS messaging solutions for your customers through the addition of sub-accounts with flexible bulk billing and manage packages through a personal account. With omnichannel CPaaS leverage your brand name, logo, domain name and increase your revenues by providing superior messaging services to your customers while we take care of the server side and IT support.

Benefits of an omnichannel platform

SMS texting for business has a number of benefits that directly impact improved audience interactions and increased profitability:

  • Improved customer experience - a customer communicates with a brand using a channel that is convenient for him, whether it is Viber, WhatsApp or sms from an operator. At the same time, he can switch to another messenger at any time by simply continuing the conversation with the support. Text messaging between the audience and the business is possible;
  • Productivity of work in communication with customers - all requests and questions of each customer are collected in a single SMS service for business. The operator will no longer waste time switching between numerous dialogs. He can conduct all correspondence with customers using just one application - SMS API (SMS mailings by API);
  • Increased sales - omnichannel messaging enables to close questions and requests faster, and thus increase sales results;
  • cost reduction - a single API for SMS sending allows to save the company's budget for customer service, as all communication channels are connected in one place;
  • CPaaS platform - an opportunity to launch your own omnichannel messaging company worldwide, including Europe and the US, setting your own rates for customers. 

A brand representative can have a dialog with a client using a personal account on our website. If the client has its own CRM, all messaging capabilities can be integrated via our API.

Do you want to order SMS-mailing with notifications about promotions or seasonal discounts? Omni.chat's omnichannel platform will easily help you with this task. Contact our managers and they will answer all your questions regarding the communication API.

Cost of services and price formation

The price for using omnichannel platform services is formed based on the needs of your business. Outgoing sms are paid according to the tariffs of local operators. The use of channels such as Viber and WhatsApp is usually paid in packages.

Want to test the effectiveness of our messaging API? We provide free test messages for our new customers. For this, you just need to register on our website and contact support.

Planning to order SMS services via omnichannel platform? Omni.chat from IT-Decision Telecom is a modern solution for managing customer communications. Create your own ecosystem of audience interaction, increase customer service and brand loyalty. Improve customer experience at every step of the journey with Omni.chat!

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